Chapter 3. Understanding the Unimaginable: Why Collective Sense-making Failed

One of the most perplexing features of this disaster was how uninformed public authorities appeared during that first week: it took almost 24 hours for most officials to understand that New Orleans had flooded, fedderal authorities did not seem to know the difference between the Superdome and the Convention Centre, and many officials had no clue about the deplorable situation in hospitals, the desperation in outlying areas, or the actual level of violence in the city. Even though much information was available, government organizations at all levels could not put the pieces together and thus did not understand what was happening on the ground. This chapter explains why all the pieces of the puzzle were not put together.

Online gebruikte bronnen

ABC News: Katrina devestates Louisiana.

Action5news: Katrina 911 calls tell a tale of terror.

After action report, State of Mississippi, Emergency Support Function 8 Health & Medical.

American Beverage Association, Fact sheet on the industry’s relief efforts for Katrina.

Annotated map of levee breaches in New Orleans during Katrina on August 29, 2005.

Bahamonde’s emails.

Bahamonde’s emails (August 26-September 3 2005).

Bill O’Reilly (transcript): Summaries of segments of The O’Reilly Factor on August 29, 2005.

Biloxi 911 tapes (transcript).

“Brookings Institution: New Orleans After the Storm:Lessons from the Past, a Plan for the Future”.

Bush press conference (transcript) September 12, 2005 in New Orleans: President, Lieutenant General Honore Discuss Hurricane Relief in Louisiana.

Capability Development of FEMA after Katrina.

CBS Evening News: Never-before-heard 911 calls from Hurricane Katrina.

CBS News: Katrina 911 calls.

Chicago Tribune: article on the suicide of two police officers in the NOPD.

CNN: Expert: Katrina could unleash disaster (August 29, 2005).

CNN: GOP leaders agree to joint Katrina hearings.

CNN: Hurricane Katrina: Landfall Coverage 8:30-9:30am (8/29/2005).

Deposition of Micheal Brown before the House Committee.

FEMA, National Situation Report as of 5,30 a.m.Saturday, August 27, 2005.

FEMA, National Situation Report as of 5,30 a.m.Saturday, August 28, 2005.

Fox news: Hurricane Katrina 10 Year Anniversary Documentary.

Fox news: Live coverage of Hurricane Katrina on August 29, 2005.

Frontline: the political storm surrounding the devastation of America’s Gulf Coast.

Frontline: the political storm surrounding the devastation of America’s Gulf Coast.

Homeland Security Act 2002.

Homeland Security Presidential Directive-1: 29 Oct, 2002.

Initial National Response Plan 2003.

Interview of Trymaine Lee from the Times-Picayune.

Jefferson Parish: “Parish in Crisis”. Document with bulletpoints on dangers, damages and focus of operations on August 30, 2005.

Joint Field Office Activation and Operations interagency integrated standard operating procedure (interim approval April 2006).

Kirkpatrick & Shane, Ex-FEMA Chief Tells of Frustration and Chaos, NYT (15 sept, 2005).

Laura Maggi, Times-Picayune, (18 March 2011), NOPD corruption fueled by system of paid, private details, federal officials say.

Map of water emptying after levee breaches in New Orleans by Dan Swenson for the Times-Picayune.

MSNBC News/AP (09/29/2005), Crimes after Katrina may have been overblown.

MSNBC News/AP (12/31/2005): U.S. Agencies preparing for the next Katrina.

MSNBC News: News footage of Katrina hitting New Orleans from August 29, 2005.

National Weather Service, service assessment Katrina 23-31 Augustus 2005.

NBC News: News footage from Katrina hitting Mississippi from August 29, 2005.

NBC News: News footage on Katrina hitting New Orleans and looting from August 29, 2005.

NBC News: Reports of Katrina ripping through roof of Superdome from August 29, 2005.

NBC News: Reports of the damage done by Katrina in New Orleans from August 29, 2005.

NBC News: Reports on health concerns in New Orleans on August 29, 2005.

NBS News: article on NOPD officers fired after Katrina.

News release issued by Jefferson Parish for Katrina on 30 August, 2005 at 8:30 am.

NYT: article on scandal within NOPD during the 90’s by Paul Keegan.

NYT: D. Carr, (sept 19, 2005), More Horrible Than Truth: News Reports.

NYT: NY Times article on reporter Felicity Barringer and Jim Wilson that went into New Orleans. 25-08-2015.

NYT: Robertson & Schwartz, (23 May, 2015), Decade After Katrina, Pointing Finger More Firmly at Army Corps.

NYT: Treaster & Zernike, (Aug 30, 2005) Hurricane Katrina Slams Into Gulf Coast; Dozens Are Dead.

NYT: Treaster (4 Sept. 2005) article on the suicide of NOPD officers and police wuitting the force.

O’Byrne (August 22, 2006), Katrina: The Power of the Press Against the Wrath of Nature.

Oprah reports: “Chief Compass says he believes that there are easily thousands of dead people in the city. He is especially disturbed by what he saw inside the Superdome. The horrors there will haunt him the rest of his life. “We had little babies in there, little babies getting raped,” he says.”

Radio clip in which Chertoff admits that he does not know of the Convention Center.

Request from Brown to Chertoff to make DHS employees available for deployment to disaster area from 29 August, 2005.

Senate Hearing Exhibits Oct 20 2005 (with Bahammonde’s emails and photo’s).

Senate hearing pp. 280-284 (transcript): Michael Brown was a guest on CNN Larry King live on Monday 29 August, 2005 at 9:00 PM EST. The transcript indicates that Brown did not have a clear picture of the disaster at that point.

State of Louisiana, Emergency Operations Plan 2009.

Sun Herald: ‘Me and Mama are gonna die’. Dispatchers saved lives of desperate Katrina callers.

The New Orleans Advocate: A murder 20 years ago marked low point for NOPD.

Times-Picayune opinion article (15/04/2016), Corps and FEMA failures are Katrina crimes ‘American Crime Story’ should cover.

Times-Picayune, (08-12-1994), Len Davis, eight other New Orleans police officers, charged in drug sting.

Times-Picayune: (26 May, 2011), Hurricane Katrina levee breach sites floated for National Register of Historic Places.

Transcript of radio clip in which Chertoff admits that he does not know of the Convention Center.

Wall Street Journal [paywall], (30 August, 2005), on Hurricane Katrina.

Website with different (interactive) graphics of Katrina in New Orleans for Times-Picayune by Dan Swenson.

Website with several meteorological images of Katrina and pictures of aftermath.

Wikipedia page on Antoinette Frank, a police officer convicted for triple murder.