Chapter 1. Hurricane Katrina Revisited: Reflecting on Success and Failure
In this chapter, we argue that the common assessment of the Hurricane Katrina response as a total failure is in need of correction. We outline an assessment framework based on The Politics of Crisis Management by Boin et al (2016). This framework is based on four core tasks for strategic decision-makers: detection, sense-making, coordination and crisis communication. Each chapter focuses on a core task.
Online gebruikte bronnen:
Additional views to the Senate report (Lieberman).
Animation of flash flood by Dan Swenson for Times-Picayune. Made 10 years after Katrina.
Auf der Heide, 2004, The disaster syndrome and looting.
Bush’s speech at Jackson Square on September 15, 2005.
Catastrophic Incident Annex to the National Response Framework.
Catastrophic Incident Supplement to the National Response Plan (april 2005).
CBS: Gretna sealed for evacuees.
CNN: list of companies that donated money and money after Katrina.
CNN: Racism, resources blamed for bridge incident.
Documentary: The Big Uneasy by Harry Shearer.
Fink, 2014, Hurricane Katrina after the Flood.
Fivethirthyeight: determining exact numbers of deaths remains difficult.
Forbes: list of private donations of famous people.
GAO’s Preliminary Observations Regarding Preparedness, Response, and Recovery.
GOA report: FEMA has made progress since Katrina but challenges remain.
Graphic images of corpses after Katrina 1.
Graphic images of corpses after Katrina 2.
Homeland Security Presidential Directive-5.
House report: supplementary report and document annex.
Hurricane Katrina 2005 News Media Coverage (105 Min.)
Hurricane Katrina Document Analysis: The E-Mails of Michael Brown.
Katrina factsheet White House (August 31, 2005).
Nagin WWL radio interview audio August 2nd.
Nagin WWL radio interview transcript published September 2nd.
National Hurricane Center: Tropical cyclone report Hurricane Katrina (20 December 2005).
National Response Plan (August 2004).
New Orleans Office of Emergency Planning. (2004) Comprehensive emergency management plan.
Newsweek: what went wrong in the slow rescue.
NPR: Evacuees were not allowed to enter Gretna Louisiana due to a lack of resources.
NYT, Treaster & Goodnough (29 aug, 2005): powerful storm threatens havoc along Gulf Coast.
NYT (2012): High costs of federal relief.
NYT: Treaster & Sontag (2 Sept. 2005), Local Officials Criticize Federal Government Over Response.
Paper on looting and antisocial behaviour in disasters.
Paper on the lootings at New Orleans. Likely that there was no looting in the traditional sense.
Politico: Congress tackles hurricane relief.
PR Newswire: Home depot donations.
President Outlines Hurricane Katrina Relief efforts in the Rose Garden (August 31, 2005) transcript.
President Outlines Hurricane Katrina Relief efforts in the Rose Garden (August 31, 2005) video.
Report on the rumours regarding looting after hurricane Katrina.
Senate hearing: Challenges in a Catastrophe: Evacuating New Orleans in Advance of Hurricane Katrina.
Senate hearing: Hurricane Katrina: Perspectives of FEMA’s Operations Professionals.
Spike Lee, When the levees broke parts I & II.
Spike Lee, When the levees broke parts III & IV.
Times-Picayune: most Katrina deaths were old and lived near levees.
Times-Picayune: Police did not break the law in blocking Gretna bridge but it was still a mistake.
Transcript of Bush’s speech at Jackson Square on September 15, 2015.
USAtoday: five days inside the Superdome.
Washington Post: describing people’s desperation while waiting to be saved.
Website on hazard mitigation and disaster preparedness, response and recovery.
White House report: The Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina. Lessons learned.
Wikipedia: a list of all tropical storms and hurricanes in 2004.
Wikipedia: a list of all tropical storms and hurricanes in 2005.