Crisisplan specializes in the development, implementation and evaluation of various training exercises through the use of realistic simulations. These exercises will challenge the capabilities of crisis teams and other involved parties in near-real circumstances, which will test existing crisis plans as well as the cooperation efforts between teams. The end goal is to create an exercise that is most accurate in its representation of a real-life scenario.
For an accurate exercise, Crisisplan encourages the participation of directly-involved crisis partners. This will ensure familiarity with the interests and expectations of crisis partners, which will extend the overall crisis preparation beyond that of the internal organization.
To this end, Crisisplan developed an interactive media-simulator. The media simulator is a private and secured digital environment, in which social media outlets and your own website are included. The media simulator is an excellent tool to learn how to interact with the media and how to communicate during a crisis.
Want to know more?
Contact us: +31(0)71-5730535 or crisisplan@crisisplan.nl.
Tabletop exercise
Tabletop exercises are designed for smaller crisis teams that operate on the strategic level. A tabletop will allow for a discussion between members of the crisis team to critically assess the mission of the crisis organization (i.e types of crises and response routines; roles, tasks, procedures and crisisplan designs). Through a short and well-designed crisis scenario several challenges are laid out, which will test existing crisis-strategies on its effectiveness and veracity to the problem at hand.
Tabletop exercises are tailor-made in which end-goals and content may differ.
Duration: 3+ hours
Want to know more?
Contact us: +31(0)71-5730535 or crisisplan@crisisplan.nl.
Serious Game
Serious games are creative and interactive exercises for larger groups of 25-75 persons. Participants will study and practice the core tasks of crisis management: creating a comprehensive picture/understanding of the situation, identifying bottlenecks, and formulating the core-message for your crisis-communication strategy.
How does a serious game work? By combining external information channels and messages from the media, a dynamic crisis environment is designed, in which the typical crisis elements of urgency, time-pressure and uncertainty stand central. Participants are asked to execute their assigned tasks during a crisis management team-meeting. After the team-meeting, the participants will be questioned on their decisions in a simulated press-conference.
CrisisPlan BV employs standardized serious games based on the following themes:
- Reputation-management
- Crises in prison-management
- Crises in youth-care
- Cybersecurity
- Electromagnetic fields
Duration: 4+ hours
View here for the different types of serious games that Crisisplan offers.
Want to know more?
Contact us: +31(0)71-5730535 or crisisplan@crisisplan.nl.