Infectious diseases have the potential to result in serious cross-border public health threats. Management of this type of crisis remains a serious challenge due to number of people involved, the different legal, administrative, professional and political cultures, and the lack of transboundary crisis management infrastructures.

STAMINA helps to overcome these challenges by providing improved decision-making technology to pandemic crisis management practitioners at a regional, national and European level.

The project will target two stages of the emergency management cycle: Preparedness and Response.

The STAMINA solution provides national planners, regional crisis management agencies, first responders and citizens with new tools as well as a clear guide to how they can be used in line with international standards and legislation.

The STAMINA vision has been designed through a user perspective, with five main objectives:

  • Create a set of guidelines and best practices to improve preparedness and response.
  • Provide stakeholders with novel, easy-to-use software tools that complement EU-level systems.
  • Increase diagnostic capability.
  • Improve cooperation between and within the EU Member States and neighbouring countries.
  • Ensure the sustainability of the STAMINA solution.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 883441

Take a look on the STAMINA website