The IN-PREP project addresses two objectives. First, it will design and develop a Mixed Reality Preparedness Platform (MRPP). This innovative IT tool will allow practitioners to train and prepare for TBCs, using new and existing scenarios, in a virtual environment. Second, the project will create an accompanying Handbook of Transboundary Preparedness and Response Operations, addressing operational and procedural best practices and technical recommendations for the further development of relevant systems.

Planning for crises has never been an easy task. Who is responsible for what, who do we need, and when do we initiate certain measures? Planning becomes even harder when a crisis stretches over borders and/or policy domains (we refer to a transboundary crisis (TBC)). In TBCs, multiple actors, (national) policies and crisis frameworks have to be connected. What makes TBCs particularly difficult is that there is no ‘ground zero’ around which to organize. TBCs tend to have multiple ground zeros or none at all (e.g. in the case of a cyber-attack). The IN-PREP project is established to give member states tools to prepare for TBCs.

The overall goals of the IN-PREP project are to support joint response planning, to facilitate real-time information sharing, and to help coordinate the use of critical resources. The project focuses on planning and training of crisis managers who might be involved in a transboundary response. If the platform proves to be valuable in the training and preparation phase (the “cold” phase), it may also be used during the actual crisis response (the “hot” phase). The interdisciplinary training will be based on realistic scenarios that make use of (real-time) data and visualizations

In short, IN-PREP should help users to:

  • Identify weaknesses in response planning;
  • Recognize actors in transboundary networks;
  • Become familiar with crisis decision-making in a transboundary context;
  • Know what type of information is needed and how to get it;
  • Practice communicating with multiple publics and stakeholders.

For more information about IN-PREP, please contact us. This project has received funding from the European Horizon2020 programme fro research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 740627.

Please visit the IN-PREP site.