The INACHUS project (full name: Technological and Methodological Solutions for Integrated Wide Area Situation Awareness and Survivor Localisation to Support Search and Rescue Teams) aims to achieve a significant time reduction and increase efficiency in Urban Search and Rescue (USaR) operations by:

  • Providing simulation tools that aid in identifying probable locations of victims after a structural collapse
  • Gathering airborne and ground-based laser scanning and imaging data to assess the level of casualties and damage
  • Integrating technologies that allow for detecting trapped victims by locating their mobile phone signals
  • Carrying out numerous field tests and simulations to present and test the INACHUS technologies
  • Creating appropriate training material of the INACHUS system for first responders.
  • Developing a robot snake capable of moving through rubble to:
    – identify victims’ locations through the use of a camera.
    – provide two-way communication with survivors.
    – carry various sensors with capabilities including detecting signs of life and gathering information related to environmental conditions, including temperature and the presence of specific (toxic) gases.
    – carry seismic sensors to determine the sizes of particular voids where victims may be trapped.

Crisisplan BV’s role in INACHUS is to:

  1. Identify end-user requirements by means of an international workshop and interviews with end users, primarily USaR team members.
  2. Develop scenario definition and create interactive films on the progress of the system, which are also useful for for training and dissemination purposes.
  3. Organize and oversee a field test in the Netherlands.

For more information on the INACHUS project, please contact us. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 607522.

Please visit the INACHUS website.