The VASCO project (full name: a Virtual Studio for Security Concepts and Operations) aims to develop an innovative IT tool and simulation system that will enable security professionals and administrators to jointly formulate, test, and adjust security concepts and measures in a virtual environment.
Using an intuitive user interface, VASCO employs the latest advances in interactive visualisation, automatic 3D indoor reconstruction, simulation, and artificial intelligence to provide end users with a new tool that significantly improves collaboration and security knowledge sharing. It allows for both an internal and external focus – inside a particular building, as well as maps of the surrounding area. Users interact with the touchscreen to run real world scenarios, either created by the users themselves, or chosen from a selection of scenarios stored in VASCO’s Knowledge Database.
VASCO has two primary audiences: building security teams and interdisciplinary response teams and accommodates the consideration of security concerns from minute details (such as the placement of security cameras and the direction in which a particular door opens) to wider security implications (for instance, related to a visit by a controversial world leader, or a riot outside of a Prime Minister’s office).
Crisisplan BV’s role in this project is to:
- Work closely with end users, namely security and crisis management experts, to gather relevant and realistic feedback that will help guide VASCO’s development.
- Evaluation process of the beta and final release of the VASCO system. This user-centred approach combined with evaluations ensures that the system will meet the needs and wishes of end users.
- With input from VASCO partners, Crisisplan will build a dynamic knowledge database of integral security concepts and measures for the protection of government assets, including real world scenarios.
For more information on the VASCO project, please contact us. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 607737.