The E-SPONDER platform (full name: A holistic approach towards the development of the first responder of the future) is a suite of real-time data-centric technologies and applications that provides actionable information and communication support to first responders who operate during crises that involve critical infrastructures (energy, water, telecoms, banks etc.). The information produced by the platform enables improved control and management, resulting in real-time synchronization between forces on the ground (police, rescue, fire-fighters) and out-of-theatre command and control centres.
Crisisplan BV’s role in E-SPONDER was to:
- Conduct state of the art research on ICT Support Systems.
- Produce an inventory of user requirements for the E-SPONDER platform based on a survey with end users.
- Evaluate the system (prior to, during and at the completion of the project).
- Demonstrate the effectiveness of the end product by being involved in the training sessions for first response units, preparing these end users for the pilot demonstrations where the E-SPONDER platform was tested.
For more information on the E-SPONDER project, please contact us. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 242411.