Cyber Security
Cyber Security
In today’s society we are increasingly more dependent on ICT services and infrastructure. That is why when these systems fail they bring with them enormous consequences for both business continuity and our daily lives. Cyber security doesn’t just stop at securing ICT systems. The preparation for cyber security incidents and creating awareness towards users and management are equally important. Crisisplan BV would gladly help you with this.
1.Cyber security class
During an interactive class you will learn the ten most important crisis management principles which you will need in combatting a ICT incident. Afterwards you will partake in a scenario session where you will learn to recognize different principles and how to apply them during a fictional ICT incident. The cyber security class should take about 2 hours.
2.Serious game
Our serious game about cyber security gives you insight into the dynamic challenges and dilemmas which you will be confronted with during a ICT incident. During the game you will take on the role of an executive team at a fictional multinational. It will be your teams responsibility to manage the incident. The serious game lasts around 2 and a half hours.
3.Cyber robustness exercise
During the interactive exercise the procedures, tasks and responsibilities of your organization will be tested. You will be confronted with diverse aspects which play a role during a cyber incident; for example convert operational problems to strategic solutions, maintaining company continuity and Service Level agreements, as well as involvement of partner companies. By practicing a cyber security crisis you work on improving your cyber robustness. The cyber robustness exercise lasts a day and with further consultation can be extended.
4.Cyber security systems debate
The system test strikes a balance between technique and information exchange. We test de operational and strategic co-operation as well as coordination of your organization during a cyber crisis. For the operational portion of the system test a controlled ICT environment will be used. Operational colleagues will be challenged in operational responses, analysis and interpretation. The strategic portion focuses on the administrative dilemmas in the field of classifying of the situation, warning indicators, information and communication, political and administrative responsibility. Crisisplan BV works together on the system test with Northwave. The cyber security system test lasts a full day.
What we do besides this
Besides the above mentioned products and services, we also provide tailor made products such as:
- Masterclasses with cyber security experts;
- Reviewing your cyber security planning;
- Strategic dilemma sessions;
- Evaluation of cyber security incidents and crisis.
Crisisplan recently organised a ten-day training programme for the Indonesian National Cyber Security Center (BSSN). Click here for more information.
Would you like to know more?
Contact us at +31 (0)71 5730551 or