Crisis management in the tourist sector

Incidents and crises in the tourism sector have a much larger effect for customers and organizations. The often large physical distance, the increasing influence of social media and the involvement of network partners, ask for fine tuning and a well prepared crisis response. Crisisplan would gladly help you with this. We offer cost effective products, which are suitable for both small and large tourist organizations.

1.Interactive introductory workshop

Examples of recent crisis in the tourism sector form the backbone of the introduction. After which you will start with the scenario session. You will learn to enlarge the crisis awareness within your organization additionally learning to recognize and apply its principles based on a fictional interactive incident. The duration of the interactive workshop is around 2 hours

2.Media training

During the practical media training you will learn how to handle the media during a crisis. Crisisplan possess a media simulator which functions in a closed of network where Twitter, Facebook and nieuws sites are simulated. In the training you will learn which elements are needed for a good communication message and how this spreads across your network. The duration of the media trainer lasts around 3 hours.

3.Team training

The team training is aimed at exploring the roles, tasks and responsibilities within the team. During a simulation your crisis team will be confronted with aspects which play a role during an incident within your sector, such as communication with clients, colleges, media and authorities. Additionally, aspects such as reputation management and the maintaining of business continuity will also be addressed. The duration of this scenario training lasts around 3 and a half hours.

Additional products

Besides the above mentioned products we also offer tailor made products and services including

  • Reviewing your crisis management planning
  • Interactive crisis simulations
  • Films for colleagues which are produced to give insight in crisis procedures
  • Evaluations of incidents and crises

Would you like to know more?

Call or email: +31(0)71 5730 551 or