Chapter 4. Who’s in charge here? Coordinating a multi-level response
The response to Hurricane Katrina involved many actors: volunteers, first responders, city and state officials, federal administrators, the military and the White House. In that first week, local organizations, the state and FEMA were quickly overwhelmed. Two challenges emerged during the first week: search and rescue, and the evacuation of survivors. This chapter analyzes how coordination efforts enabled and undermined joint efforts to provide an effective response.
Used online sources:
AP, August 24, 2004: Response to Hurricane Charley vs. Andrew is like night and day.
CNN: September 13, 2005. Racism, resources blamed for bridge incident.
DHS: National Response Framework. Third edition june 2016.
EMAC 2005 Hurricane Season After Action Report.
EMAC Response to Hurricane Katrina.
FEMA (May 13, 2005): Floridians On The Road To Recovery, Thanks To The Disaster Recovery Center.
FEMA (November 12, 2004): Hurricane Ivan: 60 Days After Landfall.
Huffington Post, March 10, 2005. Harry Shearer: Gretna Responds.
Hurricane Katrina, aftermath – New Orleans Airport (raw footage) 8/29/2005.
Imates awaiting transportation (photo).
L. Dolinar, (2006), Katrina: What the Media Missed.
Leo Bosner, FEMA and Disaster: A Look at What Worked and What Didn’t From a FEMA Insider.
List of parishes in Louisiana.
Lousiana executive branch overview.
NBS News: Horrible scenes at New Orleans airport.
NOPD Initial (30-day) after action report summary.
NPR, September 20, 2005. John Burnett: Evacuees Were Turned Away at La Gretna.
People taking shelter on an overpass (photo).
Quarantelli (1985), Organizational Behaviour in Disasters and Implications for Disaster Planning.
Senate Hearing, (Honoré hearing) The Defense Department’s Role in the Response.
Telling stories in photo’s of Katrina.
The Data Center: A. Plyer, Facts for Features: Katrina Impact.
Truthout: Bosner, L. FEMA and disaster: A look at what worked and what didn’t from a FEMA insider.
Truthout: Leo Bosner, (August 24, 2011), FEMA During Hurricane Katrina and Beyond.
United States Code §§ 331-335 (insurrection act.)
White House, August 31, 2005: Fact Sheet: Federal Relief for the Victims of Hurricane Katrina.
White House, August 31, 2005: President Outlines Hurricane Katrina Relief Efforts.