Now Available: Panel Recordings of the ‘After the Deluge’ Conference

This fall we successfully hosted an international conference, bringing together academics, researchers and practitioners to discuss lessons from current crisis management research to prepare institutions for threats. Panelists from sixteen countries joined online and in-person to debate current findings in the field and share their research, insights and experience from the Covid-19 pandemic and past crises.

All panels are now available to watch on our YouTube channel

The conference, titled, After the Deluge: How to Update our Institutions for Creeping Crises (October 27th – 29th, 2021, Leiden, The Netherlands), was organised with support from Leiden University, MSB and The Swedish Institute of International Affairs. The panelists contributed extensive discussions which have been recorded to share with the community of crisis management experts. The twelve panels provide valuable analysis for practitioners but also offer critical insights for policy research.

Within this project there will be more to come with our upcoming book, 25 Lessons for Crisis Leaders. More information is available at

The insights we have gained will make a strong contribution to Crisisplan’s ongoing work on improving safety and crisis response capacities through EU wide projects, such as STAMINA, a H2020 project focused on pandemic prediction and management.